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Ensalada de Frutas

Well, it's the start of a new year and I LOVE trying out new games. I actually started this game before the new year, but it really went well, so I did it again.

The game is called fruit salad and can be used in just about any class setting where students must learn vocabulary. I love it because, especially if you have TAs, it takes almost no time to prep.


  1. Make 4-5 sets of vocabulary on index cards in Spanish (if doing for another class, write the definition on the card). I use these for other games, so I number the backs of them so that they all can be paper-clipped back together when we're done. (For example, I make 4 sets of cards, and on one set I label the back of each card with a number 1).

  2. Write all the words on a big piece of butcher paper in English so the kids know all the words that are available for the game.

  3. Before starting the game, give each student 3-4 different cards and have them look them up to ensure they know the meaning of the word. I didn't do this before and after I passed them out after we left the room, they all wanted me to tell them what it meant!

Game play: I take students in the hallway, because there usually isn't a class in the room at the end of our hall. Everyone needs a chair except one student. That student starts in the middle. The student in the middle calls out a word in English. It works best to NOT call a card that they are holding. Once they say a word, the students with that word in Spanish must get up and go to a new chair. Student in the middle tries to take a chair as well. Whoever is left standing gets to call out the next one. No one is ever "out" and it works great because they all participate and they all try to get a chair because no one wants to be stuck in the middle.

Here's the fun part: The student in the middle can at any time call out "FRUIT SALAD!" and EVERYONE has to get up and move chairs.


No taking the chair next to you.

No going back to the chair you just came from i.e. getting up and sitting right back down.

No calling fruit salad twice in a row.

Obviously this game must be monitored so it doesn't get too crazy! The kids now request this game weekly. We love it! I have some AMAZING videos of the kids playing this, but unfortunately I can't post them because I don't have the technology to blur faces in video. If you need more clarification, leave me a comment.

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